The new SUMO241 is out with significant improvements. It comes with new scenario handling with extended analysis and optimization features, PFAS model, optimized IUWS library (urban catchment and river models), denitrification filter, manual (operational data based) and prezone SBR, HRT calculation tool. Robust steady-state solver, easy scenario handling, SPA tool and a ton of other new features.
Most extensive calibrated model library for traditional and advanced wastewater resource recovery processes, GHG, carbon footprint, integrated urban water system
Supported by the largest2 wastewater simulation company round the clock
SUMO is the only open process source commercial simulator2 (coded in Excel tabular format in SumoSlang™)
Only simulator that allows complete flexibility to build your own models or modify any models in SUMO
Integrated steady-state and dynamic simulations, Digital Twin, 2-way link to Excel, Python or other programs, popups, sticky notes, undo, Book of SumoSlang, extended documentation. Available in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish, Turkish, German and Vietnamese languages
Municipalities: DCWater, Washington DC, USA; Hampton Road Sanitation District, Norfolk, USA, Clean Water Services, Portland, USA; City of Boulder, USA; WaterCare, Auckland, New Zealand; Aurecon, New Zealand; and others
Consultants: Jacobs, USA; AECOM, USA; ARAconsult, Austria; UTB, Hungary; Friedrichbüro, Germany; Ramboll, Finland, Sweden and Norway; InnoWater, Hungary; Black and Veatch, USA; HDR, USA; Stantec, USA; Brown and Caldwell, USA; Nuvoda, USA; SUEZ (CESMAE), France; Atkins, USA; Carollo, USA; Hazen and Sawyer, USA; AquaConsult Baltic, USA; InCTRL, Canada; BioPolus, Hungary; Veolia USA/France/Sweden; R.M. Towill, USA; Headworks International, USA; SWECO Nederland B.V., The Netherlands; HEPS Co., Korea; Holinger, Switzerland; Hunziker; Kiewit Corporation, USA; GMB Civiel, The Netherlands; Olsson, USA; Binnies, UK; Sapoval, France; Çevtaş, Turkey; etc.
Universities: University of Michigan, Aalto, INSA, TU (Delft), EAWAG/ETHZ, Università Degli Studenti Firenze, University of Antwerpen, University of Tartu, Northeastern University, University of Kansas, INRA, University of Queensland, University of California, Rice University, Universitat de Girona, LIST Luxembourg, University of Washington, Northwestern University, Federal University of Ceara, BOKU Wien, Harbin Institute of Technology, China; Tshingua University, China; Lunds Universitet, Sweden; Brunel University, UK; Cranfield University, UK; Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; etc.
and others outside these categories such as Hach, USA; Transcend Software, USA; CAMBI, Norway; UNESCO, Paris; World Water Works, USA; Tanuki Software, Japan; Kurita Water, Japan; and others.